APART from the fundamental message underlining Christmas, the recent festivities immersed to even greater effect in commercial hype, came across to me as a dire warning that politically correct elements are endeavouring to relegate the true significance o

APART from the fundamental message underlining Christmas, the recent festivities immersed to even greater effect in commercial hype, came across to me as a dire warning that politically correct elements are endeavouring to relegate the true significance of this time-honoured festival to the rubbish tip.

Bureaucratic idiocy overtly spurred on by subtle if sinister spin apparently concedes that Christmas has had its day and, among other things, is seen to stand in the way of threatening totalitarian ambition.

The new guiding star is the birth of a society enslaved to secularism and dictatorial whim, and that through the political protagonists' misguided wisdom this can lead only to increased mayhem in every aspect of society.

Amid all the glitter dazzling the eyes and mind we should be aware of the rapacious, self-centred, dominative onslaught by authoritative decree to change our lives and our way of thinking, however long it takes.

Tolerance, constructive discipline, good order and understanding must be the order of our times, especially in a multi-cultured society such as ours.

Spiritual ambience based on fundamental knowledge is something we all need and Christmas and Easter are relevant truths with the future in mind.

At March, long ago an example passed down the centuries illustrated the importance of correct priorities and what can be achieved to relieve the pressures of life today.

More than 13 centuries ago a woman of rare virtue chose March as her dwelling place. Recognised over a vast area as wise counsellor, peacemaker and healer, Wendreda practised her faith selflessly devoting her life to Mercians and others that sought her help.

She died at March and, rewarded with sainthood, in death her virtuous vision and ennoble work precedes her memory. Knowledge of Wendreda's devotion converted a renowned pagan leader who became King of England, thereby instigating a legacy of faith embraced to this day by a long succession of Christian monarchs.

St Wendreda's virtuous example even resulted in the conversion of large areas of Scandinavia.

March was indeed fortunate to benefit from her humble presence and example of correct priorities. To this day if we are willing, that example can introduce a new understanding in our ways of thinking and of the sheer munificence of the creator of life.

TREVOR BEVIS, St Peter's Road, March