Tel: 01945 860494. CHAIRMAN Barbara Wilshire welcomed 17 members and one visitor to the latest meeting of the Senior Citizens Club in Tower Hall. The secretary gave out the programmes for the social afternoon on October 25 and games winners were: Curling

Tel: 01945 860494.

CHAIRMAN Barbara Wilshire welcomed 17 members and one visitor to the latest meeting of the Senior Citizens' Club in Tower Hall. The secretary gave out the programmes for the social afternoon on October 25 and games winners were: Curling, Joan Wright and Olive Overs; darts, Hannah Warren; target bowls, Roy Ringer, Maureen Gorman and Graham Roberson. Refreshments were served by Maureen Gorman and helpers, during which the raffle was held. This was followed by a game of bingo. Winners were Hannah Warren, Verity Johnson, Barbara Wilshire, Graham Roberson and Louie Chandler. After that, the auction was held, with goods bought by members. The afternoon events raised £43.35 for club funds.