A RAILWAY signal box that has been a local landmark for almost 140 years is set to meet its end at the hands of the demolisher’s wrecking ball.

Shippea Hill signal box was at its peak in the 1960s and 70s as dozens of trains crossed on the line to Ely and Norwich, but in recent years passenger numbers have plummeted.

According to a 2003 report of the Strategic Rail Authority, Shippea Hill Station is one of the least used in Great Britain, and at one point just 11 passengers were recorded in a year.

According to Network Rail, the station is served by one train a day from Monday to Friday and two on a Saturday.

Back in August, Network Rail modernised the line and automatic barriers were installed, leaving the signal box redundant.

A spokesman for Network Rail confirmed that the box had been decommissioned and was scheduled to be demolished unless a community group came forward with a view to taking over responsibility for its maintenance.

INFO:Visit www.networkrail.co.uk/community/interest-groups/signalling-heritage for more information about taking on the signal box.