SOME things never change! When I was at secondary school in Croydon (1958-63), two boys made the national press after being suspended for dying their hair.

SOME things never change! When I was at secondary school in Croydon (1958-63), two boys made the national press after being suspended for dying their hair. Other boys were sent home to change from winkle picker shoes into “more suitable” round toes.

There is much pressure on kids these days to conform to the latest fashions and fads. At present, it is piercing, next year there’ll be something else. When my late wife taught at an Inner London primary school in the 80s/90s, chains and rings were frowned upon, partly because they could catch on things especially in PE lessons and partly because the kids who couldn’t afford such accoutrements were often made to feel inferior.

Personally, I think Shannon’s lip piercing looks like a stray bogie which has stuck, but if she likes it, what’s the harm?


Via e-mail