THE appearance of a new village sign will remain shrouded in mystery until it’s unveiled at a special ceremony next month.

Members of the Walpole St Andrew Steam Engine Rally, which ran from 1967 to 1981, will reveal the new sign on Monday May 2. The group has raised money for the village’s church and a number of other social amenities in the past.

Bill Boon, the last chairman of the active rally, always wanted to erect a village sign, but never achieved it.

John Smith, rally chairman, said: “The sign is spectacular and will be one of the most impressive village signs in East Anglia. It will draw visitors to Walpole.

“An innovative interpretation lectern sign is to be sited in front of the sign. There are many village signs depicting local historic events but visitors can rarely understand what is illustrated.

“We look forward to welcoming all the friends we made during the rallies and are keen to catch up on their news.

“Please come and see us and take this opportunity to join our celebrations.”

The new sign was designed by Gordon Gillick from Wisbech and constructed by committee member Michael South.

The information lectern in front of the new village sign has been funded by a grant from the Sutton Bridge Power Fund at Sutton Bridge Power Station.

The sign - set to be placed outside the Dole Charity Almshouses in front of the village church - will be unveiled at 2pm.

A short service of thanksgiving will follow in the church before drinks and refreshments will be enjoyed.