Residents have asked us continually during our street surgeries to “do something” about speeding vehicles.

Other councillors have said they receive the same complaints. So do we do nothing or try and do what we’re elected to do?

After thorough research we learned the 20 mph in residential areas does make a significant improvement. It’s supported by this Government, after successful trials, our police, the AA, RAC, Brake, RoSPA and our local School Head.

It’s supported by other Independent, Conservative, Labour and UKIP councillors. It’s relatively cheap - £3,500 max per Wisbech area.

We can do nothing about the bad drivers - the maverick minority. They will ignore any signage.

Anyone can have an accident. But good drivers will obey the signs which will make our streets safer. At 20% we good drivers have a 20% chance of killing someone in an accident and at 20 mph a 2.5% chance.

It’s being rolled out across the UK including Cambridge.

We have brought this to Wisbech Town Council twice to learn if other councillors wish to support and to ask them to find out if their residents agree.

To do this in many residential areas than just Waterlees will be more economical than implementing it piece-meal.

Steve Tierney, an unelected Wisbech Town Councillor is vehemently opposed and in his letter to this paper suggests “tangible safety measures in hotspots”.

Everyone dislikes speed bumps, chicanes don’t slow drivers down and both are far more expensive. To implement 20 mph in just Waterlees we are advised would cost £3,500 max.

The town council have agreed to consider £30,000 for this year’s Christmas lights.

We are asking for a small contribution towards the signage of £350 to be set aside, the majority of funding coming from elsewhere, for each area that wish it.

Wisbech residents should decide and we will be holding consultations over the summer to get as broad a view as possible. Put simply - 20 mph saves lives.

Councillors Virginia and Michael Bucknor

Fenland District and Wisbech Town Councillors

Waterlees Ward