Snatching some week old blueberries from the fridge, downing a pint of cold water and half a mug of coffee, and the day was ready to begin.

OK it was 5am and the rest of the house remarkably quiet but the requirement to be at Ely rugby club by 6.15am loomed large. Day one of ‘boot camp 2014’ was about to begin.

The pre training nourishment (minus the coffee) was recommended in the manual prepared by Tim Megginson as part of his body shape fitness camp regime, and there’s plenty more to read in the days ahead.

For now it was time to start day one of a month long programme (thrice weekly) of 45 minute work outs which Tim runs as part of an expanding programme across East Cambs and the Fens.

It is precise, fast moving, collegiate coaching that is both surprisingly relaxed yet never loses it focus.

For those who know me they can testify quite readily to a dissolute life style: snacks eaten in the car outside petrol stations, pies, pasties and biscuits munched during the day, and more than the occasional glass of red wine.

But for now most of that has been put on hold or, who knows, gone for ever.

The obesity figures for our part of the country are quite staggering, and the older you get the more probable health related illnesses form part of your daily fears.

A one month regime of intense physical activity, boosted by dietary advice and guidance, won’t be necessarily be a life saver but it might well be a life changer.

Its early days but it’s my journey so only me to blame if it fails.