PRESIDENT Renee Tuffs welcomed members and guests from Doddington. Secretary Christine Wilson read the Federation letter. Member Edie Long was congratulated for winning a cup as first prize for something made from recycled material. Her entry was of a man

PRESIDENT Renee Tuffs welcomed members and guests from Doddington. Secretary Christine Wilson read the Federation letter. Member Edie Long was congratulated for winning a cup as first prize for something made from recycled material. Her entry was of a man made from flower pots sitting on a chair.

The president was re-elected for another term and thanked the secretary, treasurer and the committee for their hard work during the year. She introduced Christine Austin who gave a flower arranging demonstration and ideas for Christmas. Birthday pens were given to Barbara Varney and Renee Tuffs. There was a main draw and an extra draw for the flowers.

Points awarded in the competition for "A small table arrangement" were: Eight, Joyce Henchman, E Blake; seven, Lyn Lacey and Kathleen Thomas.

The next meeting on December 14 will be a bring and share Christmas supper, and the competition a decorated Christmas parcel.