HAVING read the article relating to piercings, I have to say that I agree whole heartedly with the Fenland policy across its schools.

HAVING read the article relating to piercings, I have to say that I agree whole heartedly with the Fenland policy across its schools.

Firstly, this girl is only 14. What on earth is her mother doing letting her have a piercing in her face!

Secondly, why cant she just take the retainer out in the morning, and put in back in when she gets home in the evening. Problem solved.

Seems to me this mother thinks she is clever when in fact she is making herself looked very, very stupid.

This is an issue of discipline. Those are the rules and this girls mother should be supporting the school in ensuring her daughter adheres to those rules, even if she does not like it. In the real world there are rules. Rules are there to be obeyed. I am astounded by the attitude of this girls mother.

There are lots of rules I don’t agree with in life, but I have to obey them.

My daughter attends Sir Harry Smith in Whittlesey. The same rules apply. I am aware that some of the students don’t like it but they accept the rules and get on with it. They cannot even wear coloured earrings. They are allowed plain studs only. There are other rules, such as the mobile phone policy, length of girls skirts, I could go on but I wont. The thing is though standards at Sir Harry have been driven upwards with the best set of exam results ever this year. The proof is in the pudding. Discipline is essential.

What hope is there for the future of this girl. It wont matter how well she does in her exams, if she is undisciplined she wont last a minute when she enters the job market. And that is what it is really about. So guess she will end up on life’s scrap heap claiming benefits.

Mrs Coombs should be supporting the school, and yeah, if she doesn’t like, find another school.

Thanks for this article even though it did make by blood boil!


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