OVER the last three decades, fire services have experienced a significant reduction in the number of on-call firefighters.

To address this issue the service, supported by the Fire Authority, launched recruitment campaigns across Cambridgeshire. The first of the campaigns was launched in early 2012.

I would like to thank the Ely Standard and on-call firefighters for their assistance in helping our recruitment team to publicise these campaigns.

In 2011, the fire service received only 104 enquiries from people wanting to become an on-call firefighter. In 2012, this number rose sevenfold to 758 enquiries.

This has meant that the number of new on-call firefighters has risen more than 400 per cent, from 10 in 2011 to 41 in 2012. For the first time in many years we are now recruiting more on-call firefighters than we are losing due to retirement, ill health or changes in circumstance.

Your efforts in supporting our campaign have greatly helped us to address what was becoming a real concern for the service.

This is certainly an excellent example of local media providing real aid and assistance to both the fire service and the communities around these on-call stations.

Fred Brown


Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fire Authority

Via e-mail