Upwell Primary School has moved up the teaching quality ladder in the eyes of Ofsted inspectors who officially described the school as moving from satisfactory to good.

The community primary school, which has seen many changes since the appointment of Head Teacher James McBurney two years ago, has improved so that children make good progress throughout the year groups, said governor Kate Cobley.

“The staff and governors were thrilled at the outcome of the inspection,” she said.

Inspectors praised leaders for making “necessary changes to improve the quality of teaching and learning.”

Children made good progress in Reception and developed a wide range of skills while the school made good use of outdoor areas to encourage pupils’ interest in learning.

Behaviour is good and pupils feel they are listened to.

Compared to the last inspection three years ago, inspectors found that thanks to changes in teaching and management, pupils’ reading, writing and mathematics is now in line with national averages.

Compared to other schools nationally, a high proportion of pupils have made better than expected progress in reading across years 3 to 6.

In Reception, children have good opportunities to develop thanks to high quality adult support and well resourced indoor and outdoor learning areas.

The Inspector praised the governing team saying: “The Governing Body is well led by the Chair and ably supported by those responsible for leading committees.”