I AGREE With Chris Bennett (letters last week) in thanking Fenland District Council for the blue recycling bins, because that is exactly where I put the orange vote no flyer he put through my letterbox on Friday evening. I have been a council tenant for

I AGREE With Chris Bennett (letters last week) in thanking Fenland District Council for the blue recycling bins, because that is exactly where I put the orange 'vote no' flyer he put through my letterbox on Friday evening.

I have been a council tenant for more than nine years and am certainly not as daft as his letter suggests that we 'yes voters' are.

I have made my decision on the facts given after visiting the Circle Anglia trailer, reading the documents and going to the Ivy Leaf Tenants Association meetings, and am fully satisfied with the answers to my many questions.

Jean Key, Brenda Reynolds and other volunteers have worked hard to get all tenants from young families to the elderly and disabled the best offer and I would like to say thank you to all these people.


Morton Avenue
