PRESIDENT Mimi Bashford welcomed members and two visitors to the November meeting at which birthday cards were given to Doreen Kendall and Kay Templeman. Sandra Mina reported on the autumn council meeting. The 2007 programme will be ready for the December

PRESIDENT Mimi Bashford welcomed members and two visitors to the November meeting at which birthday cards were given to Doreen Kendall and Kay Templeman.

Sandra Mina reported on the autumn council meeting. The 2007 programme will be ready for the December meeting.

Past member Angela Samways, currently working with her husband for Oxfam in Liberia, but presently on leave, visited the meeting. Members presented her with writing materials to take back for the children in their school.

The competition was for a pretty candle-holder. Raffle winners were R Hurst, B Denwood, J Tyler, E Blackburn and L Cotterell. There was a bring and buy stall and WI books were on sale.

The annual meeting followed. The president thanked everyone for their help and support during the year, especially officers and committee. Elected were: President, Mimi Bashford; secretary, June Nicholas; treasurer, Sandy Gilbert; committee, B Denwood, J Bell, D Old, A Quincey, M Pickering and S Mina.

Margaret Pickering organised a quiz and readings to end the meeting.

At the next meeting, on December 5 at St Andrew's Hall (7.30pm) speaker Sandra Mina will talk about a holiday in China.