THE December meeting at the Dale had a Christmas flavour. President Jean Toms welcomed everyone including guests from the Dale. A short business meeting was led by secretary Marjorie Cotterell and treasurer Betty Stone. The main programme began with a ca

THE December meeting at the Dale had a Christmas flavour. President Jean Toms welcomed everyone including guests from the Dale. A short business meeting was led by secretary Marjorie Cotterell and treasurer Betty Stone. The main programme began with a carol. Betty Stone and Jean Toms performed a short sketch, Eileen Lock demonstrated line dancing, with a few members joining in. Poems were read by Marjorie Cotterell and Jean Toms. Pass the parcel was organised by Marjorie Cotterell. Federation choir members Jean Corker, Trudy Gann, Jean Toms and Barbara Smart sang a lullaby. Aladdin, a pantomime produced by Betty Stone, was performed by Eileen Lock, Jeanie Hellon, Jean Toms, Barbara Smart and Marjorie Cotterell. The committee prepared and served refreshments with Sheila Ward and Sally Johnson serving teas. Trudy Gann was thanked for providing a plant for the officers' table - the plant was included in the raffle. Door steward was Elsie Bird, the raffle run by Eileen Lock and pianist was Marjorie Cotterell. The next meeting will be on January 25 at the Dale (7pm). The annual meeting had started with two minutes' silence for Peggy Houlden, who had died. Birthday greetings and pens were presented to Elsie Bird and Bernadette Mortimer. Flowers for the table were provided by Elsie Bird.

Secretary Marjorie Cotterell gave her report and outlined all the activities in which the group had taken part - most Federation events such as dominoes, Scrabble, whist drives and luncheons, carpet bowls, carol service. Treasurer Betty Stone gave the financial report. Barbara Smart thanked all three officers for their hard work and dedication for the members. The president presented the shield and a cheque to Barbara Smart for winning the monthly competition with the most points during the year, and a gift to runner-up Eileen Lock. The Flower of the Month competition was won by Barbara Smart and the trophy and gift presented. A cheque was presented to Marjorie Cotterell and Barbara Smart for gaining 50 points in monthly competitions. President Jean Toms, Secretary Marjorie Cotterell and Treasurer Betty Stone will be in office again for the coming year. Highlight of the meeting was a talk by Marjorie Cotterell on her trip to Buckingham Palace accompanying her husband, Councillor Mac Cotterell, to receive his MBE medal from the Queen. Jean Toms organised a quiz and Betty Stone demonstrated keep-fit exercises. Points awarded in the monthly competition - something beginning with H - were: Five, Marjorie Cotterell, Phylis Fisher and Barbara Smart; four, Kay Duncan, Peggy Stoppard; three, Joan Hollis, Jean Toms, Bernadette Mortimer, Eileen Lock and Jeanie Hellon. Flower of the month points: Five, Barbara Smart, Phylis Fisher. Both competitions were judged by Trudy Gann and supervised by Barbara Smart.