WORK has begun laying the cables that will bring electricity from the Stags Holt cluster of wind turbines into nearly 10,000 homes. But 16-week contract may cause some disruption, EDF Energy s project manager warned. The nine turbines at Stags Holt , on l

WORK has begun laying the cables that will bring electricity from the Stags Holt cluster of wind turbines into nearly 10,000 homes.

But 16-week contract may cause some disruption, EDF Energy's project manager warned.

The nine turbines at Stags Holt , on land owned by the Deptford family, will produce electricity into the Estover Road, Creek Road, Station Road, Norwood Lane, Dartford Road, and Gaul Road areas - so disruption roads and pavements to be worked on for the next four months.

However, as EDF begin bringing power to the north of March, at Doddington opposition is mounting to two additional turbines next to the three turbines already agreed at Ransonmoor Farm, Benwick Road.

Ecogen Projects has won the backing of council officers - as well as March Town Council and Benwick and Doddington parish councils- but Chatteris Town Council says it will oppose them.

The plans come before Fenland District Council Planning Committee next week and Chatteris Town Council recmmends they should be refused.

"There are many of these in sight of Chatteris already," says the town council's comments to Fenland planners. "Any are detrimental to the landscape, and we have reached the limit in this area."

Most other consultees, however, have supported the application although Cambridgeshire Bat Group says it is only five kilometres southwest of March, "and March holds the only known noctule maternity roost within a building in Cambridgeshire."

It holds a significant number of bats, over 130 at the last count, and "turbines could pose a serious threat to the noctule colony."

The Health and Safety Executive also note the turbines "do not meet agreed consultation criteria."

Of nine letters received by the council, eight oppose the turbines, says a report.

Officers say the proposals are in line with policy guidelines and consider issues raised "have been sufficiently addressed or alternatively are not of substantive concern to warrant refusal.