Sully. Tom Hanks is in it. Go and watch it.

I could leave the review there, the film is that good.

But seriously, has Hanks ever made a bad movie? I can’t think of one.

In this Clint Eastwood directed film, Hanks plays the pilot of an air bus that was force landed into the Hudson River in January 2009 after a flock of geese catastrophically flew into the plane’s engines.

Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, a focused and unshakable professional, guided the plane to safety and became the second man in history to land in water and all passengers survive.

Within 24 minutes of the smash down, New York’s emergency services had rescued all 155 passengers on board and Sully was hailed a hero.

His hero status was threatened at the time, however, when an inquiry was held which claimed he should have tried to steer the plane back to one of two alternative airports.

He argued that his 42 years experience as a pilot meant he knew there was a greater risk of crashing into the densely populated city of New York.

I remember watching the crash on the news at the time so to see it turned into a film was a fascinating 96 minutes that literally flew by (excuse the pun).

A factually led movie it is both intriguing and humbling without the Hollywood glitzy additions which could have ruined its simplicity.

Wait until the credits roll and stay until the end for an extra few minutes.
