Two people from March were listed to appear in court accused of failing to treat a cat’s serious flea infestation. 

Kevin and Sarah Southon, aged 49 and 43 respectively, are being prosecuted by the RSPCA for causing “unnecessary suffering to a protected animal”. 

The pair, both of East Drive, were listed at Cambridgeshire Magistrates’ Court in Peterborough last Wednesday (June 5).   

Each of their court listings says they allegedly failed to provide veterinary treatment for a tortoiseshell cat called Annie between January 27 and February 17 this year. 

The animal is claimed to have had a flea infestation where the itching she experienced led to “severe mutilation”.  

Court files say both indicated guilty pleas ahead of the hearing. 

They have been remanded on unconditional bail and their cases adjourned for pre-sentence reports to be prepared.  

Their next hearing is due to take place at Peterborough Court House on July 9, 2024.